Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

Create Your Own Adventure

Make your own adventures by checking things off your bucket list! Does your bucket list include visiting a museum, restaurant, or park? Or maybe visiting someplace new? Share the top five things on your bucket list that you hope to accomplish this summer below. Go forward and adventure!

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Emojis Tale
Use the Emojis to guess the name of the book. How well do you know your Emojis?

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Match the Tail
Do you love animals? Guess what animal each tail belongs to! 

*Need a hint? Try one of these! Alligator, beaver, chameleon, elephant, giraffe, lemur, pig, tiger, whale, zebra.

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Read the short story below and answer the questions.

Jack, Betty, and Matt love the fall season. They like jumping into the pile of leaves. Jack likes the pretty colors. Betty likes to make a big pile with the leaves. Matt likes to hide in the leaves.

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Writer's Block
Every writer has moments when their mind goes blank. It can be frustrating and annoying when you really want to write something, but just don’t know where to start. Use the following activities to help you turn that blank page into an unforgettable story!

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Writer's Block
Every writer has moments when their mind goes blank. It can be frustrating and annoying when you really want to write something, but just don’t know where to start. Use the following activities to help you turn that blank page into an unforgettable story!

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